OK, so my last two posts were all happy smile time and yay let's make the world a better place! I stand by those posts and actually, just in general my posts have been very optimistic... but I want to get back to my roots, my true love: hating on things.
Today's topic is Smug Couples. Now let me preface what I'm about to say by stating that I do not HATE coupled people. Some of my closest and most awesome friends are great couples that I love hanging out with and who in turn love hanging out with me (I hope). This is not me bashing on the idea of being coupled. I'm not one of those single people that feel the need to validate their own lives by cutting down on other people's lives, which is actually a perfect segue into my current gripe...
Please don't pity me because I'm single. Don't treat me like my life experiences aren't as important as yours. Don't spend an entire conversation talking about how AWESOME your awesome married life is and then act dismissive when I try to discuss my own life. When you use phrases like, "You'll find someone one day!" or comment on how HAPPY you are that you don't have to deal with being single anymore when I tell an anecdote about my life, it pisses me off. Sometimes when I'm out with a Smug Couple, and they tell a darling story about making dinner together or about an Everybody-Loves-Raymond-type spat they had over some sort of mundane household task, I sit and I listen and and I don't get all shitty about it and say, "This is boring. Let's talk about me now." When I tell a self-deprecating story about a bad date or something, please give me the same amount of respect and don't use the previously stated Rude Couple Phrase ("You'll find someone one day!" or some shit about kissing frogs) because I politely listened to you when you told your boring ass story about taking out the garbage or repainting your house or whatever it was. Do me the same courtesy. I have actually had people - multiple times - tell me that my stories about being single make them uncomfortable. Really? Because I fucking LOVE the 10,000 stories I have to hear about your kid peeing the bed or you constantly bickering with your significant other. Yep I FUCKING LOVE IT. Only actually, I don't so suck it up and listen to me and don't try to make me feel like a loser for choosing a different path in life than you.
I like being single. I like it just as much as you like sharing your life with someone. I am not alone - I have a lot of friends and family. I have a job that doesn't drive me too crazy and gives me the opportunity to travel every now and again. I make a decent wage. I have a pup that I adore and keeps me company. I am not saying these things to validate anything to anyone - I'm just stating some facts so that the Smug Couples of the world can rest assured that I am doing just fine and I am happy with where my life is right now.
Let's all embrace the differences in all our lives - celebrate them and not cut each other down. It's the spice of life, after all - all those differences! You accept mind and I'll accept yours.
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