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Washington, DC, United States
I don't write here nearly as much as I should, but when I do, I'll try to make it count for something.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two Week Point? I Own You.

Folks! I'm back! Two weeks into the New Year and so far, so good! I'm getting all my ducks in a row: curbing my spending (well except for some new workout clothes - which is a totally valid purchase! - and a couple of DVDs), have started going to the gym regularly, and I've been better at controlling my junk food and alcohol-related impulses. I am so winning at 2013, you guys!

My new would-be mentor, whom I will call E.D., has been a great inspiration and influence. She cheers me on but is also not shy about pointing out the parts of my life that could use some improvement (and not in that condescending way my therapist does it) - and I've been doing my best at taking her advice. Both educationally and otherwise.

Basically I am happy with the direction my life is going in right now, which is a delightful change from my usual disappointment in almost all aspects of my life. I've even decided to give myself a break and appreciate the things I'm doing right. What a concept!

I think it helps, actually, that this also happens to be Oscar season. No words can describe how happy this makes me. The weird thing is I don't particularly agree with or respect the Academy, who are basically a bunch of old dudes who essentially don't have any of the talent that they hold their "peers" to and often seem to pick winners based on sales and/or Hollywood politics. But I gotta tell you - I get wrapped up in the buzz! I am pulling with all my film-loving heart for Django in pretty much every category it's nominated for and hoping that Les Mis gets completely snubbed (I could go on about my love and hate, respectively, for these two films for quite some time but perhaps I'll save that for another day). I have a few more films to watch before the big night and I'm saving Zero Dark Thirty for last because... well I find the subject matter questionable and we'll leave it at that for now. (Expect a bigger Oscar themed post later.)

So, as a result, I've been taking myself on dates to the movies again, which always lifts my spirits (except in the case of seeing Amour which is a horrific look at every way your body and mind fail you as you creep towards death's door). I've been buying cheap $1 records and reading classic Batman comics and watching old episodes of the Cosby Show and trying out some fun recipes (some of which have been great, some of which have been chicken broth-exploding disasters). Basically, I've been getting reacquainted with me and guess what? I'm pretty great.

And now here's my recommendation to you, reader. Take yourself out on a date. Go to a movie, a museum, a lunch. Sign up for a LivingSocial cooking class. Hang out at home on a Saturday and spend some time just reading by the window or having a one woman (or man) dance party - and I particularly recommend the Eurythmics, best $0.99 I've ever spent. Don't be afraid to be alone. You're fucking fabulous. I know it and you should know it too.

Signing out, loves! More progress on the #YearofNatacia to come!


PS - anyone else hate the new JT single? Man, I almost went a full post without really hating on something... Oh well.

PPS - almost forgot my hating on Les Mis. Please avoid at all costs. Did I mention it's a train wreck? OK now I'm done!

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